Home » Benefits for Remote Employees
February 20, 2024

Benefits for Remote Employees

Even if your company has historically prioritized offering ideal employee benefits, changes and trends in the labor market, such as the recent rise of remote work, may force you to reevaluate this aspect of your business. As many organizations have moved to remote or hybrid work environments in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s often necessary to reassess employee benefits options to ensure that your offerings continue to meet the needs and preferences of a different workforce.

Benefits for Remote Employees

What Has Remote Work Changed Regarding Employee Benefits?

Remote work arrangements may have many advantages for both employees and employers. However, many traditional employee benefits may be less important or even irrelevant to workers who are not on-site. For example, if your organization offers child care and pop-up vaccination clinics in its building, leaders should understand such benefits likely won’t hold much value for employees who don’t come to the physical workplace and may live far away.

Still, many potential employee benefits appeal to remote workers, and by including these programs and incentives in your company’s offerings, you may enjoy greater morale and better attraction and retention rates in your virtual workplace. The next time you reassess your employee benefits portfolio, consider the following remote-friendly options:

  • Telehealth coverage—Health insurance is a consistent and integral component of employee benefits for most organizations regardless of whether employees work on-site or remotely. However, the rise of remote work has enabled more workers to enjoy advancing their careers from rural areas or while on the road. These arrangements may make accessing traditional health care services more difficult. As such, including telehealth options in your group health plans may be a valuable choice.
  • Equipment upgrades—Remote work inherently depends on technology, as employees must be able to access online resources, cloud servers, and virtual meetings reliably. With this in mind, ensuring your workforce has access to essential equipment and technology is crucial. As an employer, you can assist your remote employees by providing a stipend or reimbursement for various expenses, such as high-speed internet and ergonomic furniture for their home offices.
  • Flexible scheduling—Employees who work remotely may be better equipped to manage other parts of their lives, such as parenting and caregiving. By allowing your employees to adjust their schedules, your organization can further cultivate this healthy work-life balance, potentially reducing overall stress levels and increasing workplace satisfaction.
  • Online learning—Employees who are off-site may miss out on traditional training and educational opportunities, such as attending guest speakers and seminars. Fortunately, you can offer alternatives through webinars and learning management systems, which may help your workers advance their careers and enhance their skill sets from the comfort of their homes.

We’re Here to Help

With nearly three decades of experience helping businesses cultivate healthy work environments, the team at Burns Employee Benefits Insurance Services is well-equipped to help your organization understand ideal benefits for remote workers. Visit our website or call 510-652-7609 to learn more.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

Categories: Employee Benefits

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